Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lisa Bartlett uses old scrabble pieces to make necklaces for her Earth Day booth on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 in her small studio space in Orr Street Studios. She chooses images she likes and makes them into stickers with a sticker machine. She then puts the stickers on the pieces. After a coating of crystal lacquer, she adds the chain for the necklace.

Lisa Bartlett paints crystal lacquer on the stickers she put on scrabble pieces on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 in her studio space in Orr Street Studios. Bartlett makes necklaces out of old scrabble pieces for her booth at the Earth Day Fair.

Lisa Bartlett poses for a portrait in Sparky's Homemade Ice Cream on Tuesday, February 24, 2009. Bartlett is an artist at Orr Street Studios. She paints and makes jewelry. She will be showing her work at Sparky's for the next month or two.